Submitting speaking experience

Hi there, I was wondering why we chose talks only at our events? I am assuming it is because it would be hard to moderate spam/innapropriate talks. Just curious.

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Hi @Jim_Zemlin, correct we want to be able to validate information on our dashboards and currently we validate event information from cvent.

@ProdMgrs can any of you expound on this?

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Integrating with services such as might be a good option here, as you could pull in validated speaking experience as given by event organizers. There are likely a few here but sessionize seems to be the most popular.


Do any of our LF projects use sessionalize ? trying to find out how popular it is with OSS projects and events. @John_Mertic

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Who uses sessionize?

Hey Jim and Shubhra!

I’ve seen it used mostly in the small to mid-size regional and community events, as they have a free tier for just community events, and the pricing for 1-day events is around $500 USD.

Personally, I’ve spoken at 3 events over the past year who have used it ( check out my profile for them at John Mertic - Speaker Profile @ ) and I also came across a Kubernetes Community Days event using it ( ). I can’t find a full public list of all events using it unfortunately, but hopefully my personal experience can help.

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Please discuss with Angela.

I would be curious to get a sense of how much adding sessions without verification could be abused. People can do this on LinkedIn, and generally it doesn’t result in a lot of spam.

Another option is to allow people to add sessions, but then have the ability for others to flag offensive content.

@John_Mertic not familiar with Sessionize - will check it out!

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Thanks @jonobacon - agreed on the abuse without verification, which is where hooking into popular CFP/scheduling services reduces that.

Another thought - perhaps extending how we integrate with sched, which is what LF Event uses. They have a ton of other events they cover, which would bring in additional third-party event people are speaking at ( Find Events | Conferences | Festivals | Conventions )