Member Dashboard

Where do we list member roles e.g. voting contact, billing contact etc.? If it’s not in the PCC where would this information get logged?


Hello @Sandra_Jackson welcome to the community :wave:

If you want to describe member roles for your organization, you would go to Organization Dashboard check step 2 here: Organization Dashboard Beta Program Checklist - Member Organization Beta Program - LFX Community Forums

Hi Henry,

I am not talking about the membership dashboard. I am referring to the information we (staff) currently get from Salesforce e.g. a list of member names and contact information.

Hello @Sandra_Jackson currently I do not believe we can get this information in PCC, I believe we are moving to store this information in Hubspot.

@Shubhra This information is in the committee management section of the PCC. We are not moving this to Hubspot. An example is under project/setup/committees/committeeame.

@Shubhra @emsearcy It would be nice to be able to send an email committee list or checkbox list or select based on role from PCC.

Sandra, please go look in the PCC to see if you can find what you need. If you can’t please let me know so I can help you. :slight_smile:

In terms of billing contact that will also be in PCC - @Shubhra can you please look into this?