Employee not showing up when adding new org role in the org dashboard

I tried adding 2 new membership roles to a company in the org dashboard, however, each time I clicked add, it would give me the pop up saying that my entry was successfully saved, but then it would never show up in the membership roles list. Any idea what is going on?

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Hi @Kendall_Perez, when you say membership roles list are you referring to the membership role added that isn’t showing here:

@Mindy_White or @Nadia_Shomali can you also take a look into this?

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Yes, that’s correct

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@Kendall_Perez can you provide an example of which org and which employee/role you are trying to add?

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Sure thing! I was trying to add Isabel Duva from SMBC as a billing contact for FINOS.

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I will log this issue, but it worked well with me, may be you need to wait 15 minutes for the change to show.

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@Nadia_Shomali - I tried for the first time several days ago. I just tried again and still not seeing the change.


Our team is investigating the cause, may be the new added people doesn’t have an email with recognized domain. Will keep you updated


@Nadia_Shomali Any update on this? I am still running into this problem.

cc: @Mindy_White

Hello @Kendall_Perez - @Chaitan is now the Product Mgr. for Organization Dashboard.

@Chaitan - This issue was first identified in July. Can you take a look for us?

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