Open Source Contribution

Hello Everyone ,
I am Animesh Raj & I am from India , currently I am in final year of my bachelor of engineering in electronics and communication engineering . I learned computer science from internet thanks to community who provide knowledge & information open to everyone . I want to learn more & I also want to contribute to community.

Languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript , HTML , CSS , SQL
Frameworks: Bootstrap, ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS
Tools: MySQL, MongoDB, Git, Git Bash
Platforms: Linux , Mircrosoft Windows
Coursework: Data Structures & Algorithms, Operating Systems, OOPS Concept ,
Database Management System, Web Development, Algorithm Design

I am looking for mentor who will help me understand how to contribute to it.

Hi @Animesh_Raj nice to meet you!

That is awesome! Keep going buddy!

Have you checked out our LFX Mentorship programs?? Mentorship

I would check these out and stay active in here, if there are any projects or technologies in particular you’re interested in specifically let us know, and maybe we can help advise you on getting introduced to their community.

Community meetings are a great way to learn about our projects technology! We’re very happy to help you along your way buddy!

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