Meeting Management FAQ

Hello everyone,

As we’re rolling out meeting management, we’ll also be adding information to this thread of frequently asked questions revolving around LFX Meetings.

Meeting set up

Settings for a private restricted meeting:

Private restricted meetings will only allow members who have been invited to join the meeting. If a member tries to join the meeting with a different email address than the one sent in the invite than the user will be unable to join the meeting.

Emails are required when joining a restricted meeting without an LF Account as a guest, and your email address has to be added in the meeting set-up settings in Project Control Center.

You’ll receive the following error message if attempting to join a restricted meeting without using an invited email address as shown below.

Another thing to note here is, Committee Board meetings will always be set to restricted by default; you will still be able to add other guests to the meeting through the manage meetings dashboard.

Settings for public meetings:

One thing to note here is that public meetings are the same as unrestricted meetings also shown here:

Public/non restricted meetings will be available for everyone to join, and email addresses are not required.

Meeting Management

Can you change a single occurrence of a meeting?

Yes, head to an existing meeting and select Manage Meeting to change a single occurrence of a meeting as shown below:


What happens when you make changes to a committee connected your meetings?

If you add a member to a committee, they will be added to all associated meetings
If you remove a member from the committee they will be removed from all associated meetings as well
You can not add or remove members from a committee

New vs Old Meeting Links

  1. New Link Format

  1. Old Link Format

The meeting ID and Password will be included in the new links, after our update all old meeting links will no longer work.


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Updated FAQ:

How long are the cloud recordings stored for / available?

Our contract with zoom is unlimited both in size of storage and in length

If a Guest joins a LFX meeting (not on the invite), using their LF ID to log-in and join the meeting (versus just entering their name), will the meeting recording then show up on their Individual Dashboard | The Linux Foundation page under Past Meetings?

Yes, if we can associate them with a user id, it will show up in ID for that given user. This can happen in the following ways:

  1. They are on the invite and they have an LFID associated with the email address used (whether or not they join with their LFID)
  2. They are not on the invite but sign in with their LFID and we match their attendance correctly.

Guest user (John Doe) joins 5 minutes prior to start time, then leaves prior to meeting start. Invited user joins at mtg time, then leaves. >> Only the recording from the time the first user (John Doe) was on is available. How to pick up and/or swap in the 2nd recording? Would this need to be done on the back-end?

PCC and ID should always give the longest recording available, which is usually not the first one in any case like this… Please file a support ticket and support can give you the correct one, and we can investigate if there is a bug which is causing the shorter one to be displayed.