I have repeatedly received download failure messages while trying to download CentOS Stream 8 to my memory card. This is happening at approximately 33~35% of the process. My machine is a Pixelbook sporting the following build details:
Google Chrome: Version 100.0.4896.133 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Platform: 14526.89.0 (Official Build) stable-channel eve
Channel: stable-channel
Firmware Version: Google_Eve.9584.230.0
ARC Enabled: true
ARC: 8414076
Enterprise Enrolled: false
Developer Mode: true
My feeling is that I am missing important details to the process that I might not be able to pick up on in the CentOS Stream 8 docs. Does anyone have any insight into what is necessary to achieve a successful installation? Thanky…
I’m not sure what you mean? I’m working at getting a platform for the LFCS installed on my computer to help myself prepare for the exam. Your foundation is the one publishing the curriculum, which in my mind makes this the most appropriate venue for the question. What is your reasoning for suggesting I look elsewhere?
Sorry! I saw some posts in the training section you made.
This part of the forums is for our LFX tooling, so still not the best place. You might also consider posting in the specific forums for the training class.
Hey @Burtrand_AF_Paulie my apologies for the delayed response this weekend buddy.
This wouldn’t be a bad place to go @John_Mertic , @Burtrand_AF_Paulie I’ll give you another resource for specific Linux Kernal training course lab and course questions.
This isn’t the wrong place to ask training questions. This forum is for general open source questions, and LFX help. If members of our community can help with general open source questions we most definitely will, if not we’ll do our best to find someone in our community that can help. Like @Shuah_Khan and her Linux Kernal community
You can find specific Linux Kernal Training Courses in the forum to use as another resource for lab and course help.
Once you start the installation you can skip to 03:25, and this video walks you through configuring CentOS 8. Bare in mind you may need to have some settings changed due to the course, but this should get you started.
Hope this helps @Burtrand_AF_Paulie . Keep us up to date, and let us know if you figure out what the issue was.
The video doesn’t play. Every time I’ve tried it, it just keeps on buffering…
I don’t know what I’m missing, but I couldn’t get the .iso file for either OS loaded up, so I set it aside for a while. Coming back, I’ve failed again with both OS systems and I don’t know what I’m missing. Plenty of memory assigned, but every time I try to download, it craps out halfway through. I’m about to look up @Shuah_Khan, but otherwise, I’m still stumped. No hurry on a solution, but I thought I would let you know I am still looking. Thanky kindly…
@Burtrand_AF_Paulie It will be hard to figure out what is going on without knowing the full details on your environment. It is possible you don’t have enough memory to buffer the video - you said it keeps trying to buffer. Other than that I don’t have any other ideas.