Hey, Everyone,
Sometimes it can be helpful to get a more granular sense of when people are committing code to a project? Why? It can be helpful for figuring out when to hold meetings, where to locate your meetups/events, and more.
But, you get a sense of when exactly your community is committing code? Fortunately, this is easy with LFX Insights.
Here’s how…
Step 1: Choose your project
Head over to https://insights.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/projects and choose your project by clicking on the Go to Projects button:
In this example, we will look at the Academy Software Foundation projects.
Step 2: Open the Technical Metrics
When you go to the projects view, you will see the overall metrics for that collection of projects:
Click on the Technical Metrics option in the left menu.
Step 3: Identify your top contributors
Now, in the main body of the LFX Insights you can see the list of top technical contributors:
Now click the View All button.
Step 3: See what time code is being committed
Now, if you scroll further down you will see a graph showing when people are committing:
In the above example you can see that in a Pacific time zone there is a significant amount of code contribution. You can see that there is a little less in a European timezone.
This is really useful information for when to schedule online events, meeting, in-person meetups, and more.
How would you use this information in your project?
Hit REPLY and let us know!