Community Leaderboard to show project specific leaderboard

Every project have a different definition of contribution and “active contributor”. The Community Leaderboard of the specific projects should have a filter to show the contributors based on the project specific definition of a contribution.

Hi @GergelyCsatari nice to see you in the community :slight_smile: , I believe we discussed this at LFN’s Dev Forum, but can you clarify your request here?

From our conversation I recall you mentioning you really like how we had contribution summary charts on our technical metrics overview page for commits, pull requests/changesets, and issues:

As commits, PRs & Changesets, and issues are shown in our technical metrics overview page. We share a variety of contribution metrics on our community leaderboard.

On our Community Leaderboard we are able to filter for different contribution types by clicking the contribution type on the top of the board here:

Is there any contribution type missing from our community leaderboard? Or would you like other functionality from metrics on our community leaderboard?

Hi, happy to meet you @Henry_Quaye here as well. No I do not miss any specific contribution type from the leaderboard, what I miss is the capability to rank contributors based on the project specific definition of a contribution.