Checklist for Individual Dashboard

Individual Dashboard

As a participant in the LFX beta program, you also have access to the LFX Individual Dashboard. This is where individuals showcase their open source community profile.

Logging into the Individual Dashboard allows your employees to make updates to:

  • Technical and Ecosystem contributions

  • Share presentations from speaking engagements

  • Display badges and certifications

  • Manage all of their affiliations and identities

We want to make it easy for them to control their data, and share what they want to share, and keep private what they wish. Access is available at

To align employee information with your organization there are a few tasks we encourage your employees to complete to ensure that their technical contributions across all projects are properly affiliated with your organization.

  1. As them to log in to LFX and review any identities that we discovered and ask your employees to verify which belong to them.

  2. Connect GitHub accounts to populate and verify the technical contributions to Linux Foundation projects.

  3. Ask your employees to connect their LinkedIn account to populate work history and ensure project affiliation(s) reflect their contributions as an employee or individual contributor.

  4. Ensure that their basic information is up-to-date, update any email addresses, and upload a recent profile photo.

  5. Review the visibility settings.

Additional Documentation is available online.