Finger print login is not activating

Dear Ubuntu Community,

I am writing to bring to your attention an issue with the fingerprint login feature on my Lenovo P50 laptop running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Despite several attempts to configure and use the fingerprint authentication, it fails to work as expected.

However, the fingerprint scanner does not respond when attempting to log in, and I am forced to use my password instead. I also ensured that my system is updated with the latest drivers and packages using sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.

My system details are as follows:

  • Laptop Model: Lenovo ThinkPad P50
  • Ubuntu Version: 24.04 LTS
  • Kernel Version: [5.15.0-1066-intel-iotg]
  • Fingerprint Scanner Model: [Bus 001 Device 004: ID 138a:0090 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS7500 Touch Fingerprint Sensor

I suspect there might be a compatibility issue with my hardware or a bug in the current implementation of fingerprint authentication. I would appreciate any guidance, workaround, or fix that the community can provide to resolve this problem.

Best regards,
Manas Bhukta