Feature Requests for LFX Meeting Management


I’ve just joined LF AI & Data Foundation as the newest Project Coordinator. We’re in the process of migrating all of our project-specific meeting series over to LFX Meeting Management. First, however, I’ve started compiling a list of feature requests from key stakeholders in our community, as prerequisites to full adoption. Our goal is to make this transition from legacy zoom to LFX Meeting Management as smooth and seamless as possible.

Below are some of the feature requests that I’ve fielded from talking to community members - I’m keeping a running list.

What other missing features/requests have you gleaned from your own project communities? What would you append to this list?

Love to hear everyone’s thoughts and start a thread on this.



-LFX needs to be able to have the user customize the time zone when scheduling. For instance, if someone in Beijing is setting up a meeting at 2am their time, the scheduler needs to be able to select ‘China Standard Time’ - then Google calendar can convert it to the user’s local time zone.*

-Stakeholders who are leading project meetings need the control to be able to modify those meetings (especially one-offs) without going to the PMs or EDs to do so for them.

-There needs to be a full synch between groups.io calendars and LFX - so that a change on one immediately prompts a change on the other.

-Webinars need to be added to LFX’s capability.

-Full carryover to calendars between google cal, outlook and thunderbird needs to be established. All calendaring systems - automatic copy over. This doesn’t always happen, and invites get lost in the process.

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Hi @nsouthern thanks for bringing these requests up from your community!

A few of these requests are on our roadmap, some are in development and some are under possible solutions. @Stephan_Ebers it may be good to have a discussion with community members on what features to prioritize on a public thread.

@nsouthern in looking at our project road map which can be found here: https://portal.productboard.com/bqt1cgergoszsqheudb7leux/tabs/10-in-development

This is currently in development, “Allow meeting administrators to set the local timezone which will used for determining a meeting’s effective recurring schedule.” I believe this will allow anyone setting up a meeting to view the meeting times in their local timezone.

@nsouthern and I believe the “Teams & Roles (RBAC)” feature request should allow this to be feasible. https://portal.productboard.com/bqt1cgergoszsqheudb7leux/c/38-teams-roles-rbac
@Stephan_Ebers is the Team & Roles(RBAC) feature still in design?

I believe this is under consideration, and here’s the possible solution https://portal.productboard.com/bqt1cgergoszsqheudb7leux/c/247-advanced-controls-for-groups-io @nsouthern would this solution solve your community’s request here?

This is listed as a possible solution: https://portal.productboard.com/bqt1cgergoszsqheudb7leux/c/21-webinar-management

Maybe this is a bug as @Stephan_Ebers I believe LFX Meetings should fully work with all calendars correct?

Thanks Henry! Appreciate the fulsome response and also the team’s receptiveness to finding solutions, as always. You’re all the best.

-Re: time zones I can let our community know that this is in development. It will absolutely be helpful. This is the least essential of our asks.

-Of everything that I listed, stakeholder scheduling of meeting/days and times is pretty critical so I’m glad to know RBAC is being developed. Let me be more specific and put a practical face on it: with numerous (~50) subprojects and meeting streams/series, LFAI & Data is subject to constant rescheduling. There is no way for the foundation leaders to have time to accommodate all of these changes - assigned community leaders need it. I just submitted a request to Eric Searcy explaining that it’s a prerequisite for our full migration as a foundation. We really need to prioritize this.

Regarding groups.io: I think that is not really what we’re after - they are indicating that they want a fluidity, so that a groups or confluence calendar change flows through automatically to LFX.

The webinar solution to which you directed me is a step in the right direction, but what would be helpful long-term is preserving at least some of the feature control flexibility available on legacy zoom for webinars. I’m coming at that request from Open Voice Network, where we’ve had at least 10 webinars in the past year alone, and the needs have differed enough from each one to the next that some customization seems essential. In fact, there are still ovon webinars planned for Q1 of 2024. This is another one to prioritize - and I know it’s a big ask.

@Stephan_Ebers thank you - and yes, per the calendaring issue, it would be great if we can sort this out.

Also, I had one more request from our community this morning - a good one. The request to change the meeting numbers on a community’s calendar to a full description of what the meeting is, so that we don’t have to click on the number to see. Is this doable?

And another request just now:

"One should be able to make more groups?

Group on my for example. Groups I lead moderate

For example. If you join a lot of group, it will be messy"

See attached screenshot.

Hi @Henry_Quaye and @Stephan_Ebers

We had another LFX request on LF AI & Data Just now from our Generative AI Commons director, Matt White - a request that seems to me pretty fundamental.

Matt and I both want to make the Gen AI Commons sign up for new members as straightforward and streamlined as possible. It means automatically putting new community members in the main Gen AI Commons LFX biweekly meeting series as soon as they are signed up for the GAIC mailing list - instead of requiring us, as leadership, to drop them in one by one - which is a laborious process.

Is there a way to automate this? And if not, is this a feature we can request?

