What is measured in Technical Metrics / Source Control / Commits / Overview?

Can you please clarify if both GitHub and Gerrit commits are calculated in Technical Metrics / Source Control / Commits / Overview?

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Hi @GergelyCsatari welcome to the community :slight_smile: I believe Gerrit commits and other technical metrics are calculated in Insights.

I know @Kenny_Paul works with ONAP and ONAP uses Gerrit.

@Kenny_Paul can you share your experience with @GergelyCsatari here?

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The short answer is yes, Insights handles both. However I’m guessing that your question is in specific relationship to the Anuket Project’s metrics, which probably warrants a more detailed answer. :slight_smile:

Unlike just about any other LF project, I know that Anuket is using a combination of both Gerrit and GitHub for historic reasons that are well understood within the scope of that community. Even so, what all y’all see under Technical Metrics / Source Control / Commits / Overview is no different than what you’d expect to see for other projects.

Let’s look at the Summary panel in the overview:
The above reflects the combination of both GitHub and Gerrit commits since both have been configured in Insights for Anuket.

You can verify that scrolling down to the Repositories panel and then use the filter.

After selecting only Anuket’s GitHub repo you will see that the values in the summary have changed accordingly:

Similarly if you exclude the GitHub repo, then it only picks up the Gerrit commits:

169 + 148 == 317. All accounted for. :slight_smile:


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Thanks @Henry_Quaye the pointer to Kenny and ONAP.

Yes, I’m asking this as a follow up from Anuket TSC :slight_smile: Thanks for the elaborate answer @Kenny_Paul.


@GergelyCsatari glad we can clear things up. Figured a response from a community member may suit you better then just saying yes we do :wink:

Thanks for the response @Kenny_Paul!

@GergelyCsatari if any of your TSC members have any questions, you can also refer them to the community, where they can share their thoughts or ask their questions :slight_smile: