Provide Filter or Sort features on the LFX Mentorship Website

I am a mentor and maintainer of the WasmEdge project.
Recently, I encountered the following issues after attending several terms of the LFX mentorship.
I am wondering if we can have a filter to search for mentorships or sort them in date/term order on the LFX Mentorship website. It’s a bit hard for me to find the recent LFX mentorship projects since I have so many previous projects.
The workflow I use now is to scroll down to the bottom, click view more until the whole list is shown, and try to search the project name to find it.

This attached image shows that the ordering is in non-sense order.

Hi hydai,

Yes, I agree adding the ability to sort or filter is an important usability enhancement. I appreciate the feedback and will prioritize this feature from our backlog to deliver.

Thank you,


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