Discover the most popular Training and Certification programs

In our first post on what is new in Insights, we reviewed the Global Trends and analytics here. Now let’s take a look at the Training and Certification dashboards.

Are you a developer looking to contribute to world-changing open source projects?

As a new or seasoned developer, it is essential to understand the ever-growing new technology to increase the potential impact you can have on open source.

As seasoned developers, we can often be “siloed” or confined to the technology we are currently working on. Still, open source is ever growing, expanding, and innovating, and understanding what training programs most of the open source community is taking allows us to keep up with the current technology innovations of open source.

LFX Insights v2 global training analytics will allow us to understand the top training programs and more.

In this example, we will demonstrate the new features for Training programs. However, the same workflow applies to Certification as well. Here’s how!

Step 1: Access LFX Insights

Step 2: Head over to the Linux Foundation Training analytics

In the left-hand navigation, click on the ‘Training & Certifications Analytics’ category; once it expands, click on Training.

Here you will find training analytics over your desired amount of time to understand:

  • When people are enrolling in Linux Foundation open source training courses
  • What are the top training programs
  • Who are the top trainees (defined by members who have enrolled in the most courses over the given time)
  • What are the top organizations based on training enrollment

Step 3: Analyze the top training programs

On the training page, scroll down to the 'Most Popular Programs’ chart.

On the training page, scroll down to the ’Most Popular Programs’. This chart will show us the training programs with the most enrollments over the period of time selected in the top left.

By understanding what training programs developers around the world are enrolling in, you can stay on top of the innovative technology of open source and ensure you are equipped to contribute.

Have you enrolled in any of the top open source training programs? What course has given you the most value? Hit ‘REPLY’ and let us know!

To learn more about the Organization Contribution Index and new project analytics dashboards in Insights check them out here:

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